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Science enables students to LEARN and understand the world around us through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

We aim to bring this knowledge and understanding to life, to Enjoy Science and develop a sense of curiosity and excitement about natural phenomena.

Science influences every part of our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Our team strive to encourage students to Aim high, ignite and nurture a passion for science to ensure that we are developing future astronomers, engineers, surgeons, research scientists and veterinarians, as well as preparing students for occupations that do not even exist yet.

Students Never stop learning about the nature, processes and methods of science through scientific enquiry and practical work over the 5 years of study. We equip our students with the ability to answer scientific questions about the world around them and make informed decisions in the future.

Within our curriculum, we tackle some of life’s big questions enabling students to Respect alternative viewpoints with structured debate around ethical issues such as cloning cells and consider how to Look after each other by considering such questions as to how to meet the world’s energy demands sustainably for future generations.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” – Albert Einstein

Please see parental overview of the courses in KS3 and KS4 below.

Key Stage 3

Within our KS3 curriculum, three topics are taught throughout the term on a carousel basis to ensure all groups get timetabled ‘laboratory-based’ lessons for practicals. Also, in operating on a carousel, students maintain a mixture of the three science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Year 7  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Topic 1: Transition All groups begin with safety, lab equipment and some simple experimental methods to develop the excitement for science but also safety awareness.

Topic 2: Cells and Organ Systems Students develop understanding of ourselves and of the different forms of ‘life’.

Topic 3: Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Students learn of matter and materials by examining atoms and elements, compounds and mixtures.

Topic 4: The Particle Model Students develop their KS2 understanding of solids, liquids and gases, further examining each at the particle level.

Topic 5: Living World Students explore the classification of living things, to develop understanding of nature and how humans affect the environment understanding the possible long-term impacts.

Topic 6: Chemistry of Acids and Alkalis Students explore chemical reactions, signs of a chemical reaction, acids and alkalis as chemicals and how these can be used to make new substances.

Topic 7: Energy Stores Students explore the energy stores on our planet and how energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be transferred from one store to another.

Topic 8: Reproduction Students learn about their own bodies but also about the differing reproduction systems. Students discuss contraception and explore questions for students to become more informed to make medical decisions.

Topic 9: Our Planet Students explore the planet we live on, its structure and the materials available. This includes the rock cycle, metals, ceramics to develop students’ understanding of how to live sustainably.

Topic 10: Forces and Solar Systems Students learn of forces on our planet and the universe. Students explore how force can affect motion to support their understanding of speed. Students learn simple calculations in science and how to carry them out successfully.

Skills and
-Identifying and naming scientific equipment

-Basic measurements and measures in science

-Plant, animal, microbe, specialised cells

-Atoms, elements, compounds, mixture

-Separation techniques (within atoms)

-States of matter and changes of state


-Density (scientific calculations and conversions)

-Ecosystems and food web relationships

-Sampling organisms


-Signs of chemical reactions

-Indicators and pH scale

-Neutralisation and making salts

-Energy stores and transfer pathways (including thermal, KE and GPE)

-Gametes and reproductive systems

-Fertilisation and menstrual cycle


-Variation and plant pollination

-Structure of Earth, Rock and Water Cycles

-Volcanoes and earthquakes

-Sustainable living (resources and materials)

-Resultant forces, Freebody diagrams and friction

-Speed and motion graphs

Links for
Help at
  • Use of student resources located within WHS SharePoint for students
  • Use of additional homework booklets, therapy work packs and/or additional resources from the class teacher via Synergy
  • Use of online platforms such as Seneca for podcasts
  • Watching of documentaries linked to scientific issues studied
  • Homemade experiments at home (precautions to be followed)
  • Youtube videos to watch practical demonstrations and additional teaching
  • Hikes and walks to explore the Rock and Water cycles (notably nearby places such as Rivington Pike)
  • Teacher discussions following assessments and/or reports
  • Participation in enrichment opportunities (including trips) and/or extra-curricular activities
Year 8 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Topic 1: Healthy Living Students learn of healthy choices: smoking, alcohol, diet and drug use, exploring the effects on the body.

Topic 2: Atoms and the Periodic Table Students develop their understanding of atoms, atomic structure and the role of the periodic table in chemistry.

Topic 3: Energy in the Home Building on the fundamental Year 7 energy stores topic to look at renewables, insulation and linking this to energy in our homes.

Topic 4: Body Systems Building to the Year 7 understanding within cells, students develop an understanding of how their body systems work including the digestive & respiratory system.

Topic 5: Our Atmosphere Students bring together their knowledge of respiration, photosynthesis, combustion, energy and sustainable living to learn about the atmosphere of the earth and how it is changing (focusing on preservation).

Topic 6: Electricity Students develop investigation into electromagnetism.

Topic 7: Evolution and Genetics Students explore nature and how humans affect the environment, studying famous theories.

Topic 8: Chemical Reactions Students develop an understanding of chemical reaction, why and how they happen and how to speed them up and slow them down.

Topic 9: Waves Students explore the concept of waves as a means of carrying energy alongside how sound waves are produced and how humans hear. Students learn properties of light waves, explaining reflection and refraction and how the eye works

Skills and
-Balanced diet and malnutrition

-Immune system and its defences

-Atomic structure and electronic configuration

-History and formation of the Periodic Table

-Energy stores and transfers

-Non-renewals and combustion

-Renewables and insulation

-Power ratings and efficiency

-Nutrition and food test

-Digestive system

-Lung system and gaseous exchange

-Respiration and effect of exercise

-Atmospheric composition and evolution

-Greenhouse effect and (in)complete combustion

-Carbon footprint

-Circuit symbols and drawing circuits

-Conductors and insulators/series and parallel circuits

-Static bar magnets/magnetisms/electromagnetism


-Evolution/extinction/natural selection theories


-Thermal decomposition

-Oxidation, reduction and reactivity series

-Collisions Theory and rate of reaction

-Sound waves: frequencies, travel and production

-Light waves: ray diagrams, reflection/refraction and colour/our eyes

Links for
Support/Help at Home 
  • Use of student resources located within WHS SharePoint for students
  • Use of additional homework booklets, therapy work packs and/or additional resources from the class teacher via Synergy
  • Use of online platforms such as Seneca for podcasts
  • Watching of documentaries linked to scientific issues studied
  • Homemade experiments at home
  • Youtube videos to watch practical demonstrations and additional teaching
  • Hikes and walks to explore the Rock and Water cycles (notably nearby places such as Rivington Pike)
  • Teacher discussions following assessments and/or reports
  • Participation in enrichment opportunities (including trips) and/or extra-curricular activities

Following the KS3 structure, the topics listed are taught on a weekly carousel to ensure all students gain optimum timetabled lessons in practical/laboratory settings.

Year 9  Autumn Term 1 – Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 – Summer 2
Topic 1: Cell Biology Students build to prior knowledge, deepening their understanding of cell organelles and magnification/resolution.

Topic 2: Atoms, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Building upon content from Year 7 and 8, students develop their practical and fundamental chemistry skills and concepts about atoms and balancing equations.

Topic 3: Energy Building upon content from Year 7 and 8, students develop maths skills in changing the subject of equations and converting units.

Topic 4: Infection and Response Building to Year 7 and 8 knowledge on Body Systems, students develop knowledge of spread of disease and making informed medical decisions.

Topic 5: Energy Changes and Rates of Reaction Building upon Year 8’s Chemical Reactions topic, students are introduced to the idea that energy changes in chemical reactions alongside practical skills with the use of gas syringes and explore choice of equipment for purpose.

Topic 6: Electricity Students build equation skills and unit conversion to consolidate energy unit.

Skills and
-Practical skills: microscopes and osmosis

-Chromatography and practical separation techniques

-Kinetic energy equation and the Gravitational potential energy equation

-Elastic potential energy equation

-Specific heat capacity and specific latent hea

-Reducing energy dissipation and efficiency

-Pathogens and communication of disease

-Culture microorganisms

-Human defence systems

– vaccination, antibiotics, painkillers, drug discovery/development

– Exothermic and endothermic

-Bond energy (HT)

-Collision Theory and activation energy, calculating/measuring rates

-Circuit symbols, Q=It, V=IR

-Series and Parallel Theory

-Power equations, E=QV, national grid and transformers

Links for Support/ Help at Home
  • Use of student resources located within WHS SharePoint for students
  • Use of additional homework booklets, therapy work packs and/or additional resources from the class teacher via Synergy
  • Use of online platforms such as Seneca for podcasts
  • Watching of documentaries linked to scientific issues studied
  • Homemade experiments at home
  • Youtube videos to watch practical demonstrations and additional teaching
  • Teacher discussions following assessments and/or reports
  • Participation in enrichment opportunities and/or extra-curricular activities

Key Stage 4

GCSE Combined Science (taught to all students if Triple Science has not been opted for at GCSE). All three sciences are taught continuously throughout a term to ensure content is clearly sequenced and knowledge is built/interleaved.

Students are taught concurrently by three subject specialist teachers.

Key Stage 3 Knowledge Organisers

Year 7Year 8Year 9